Banister Family Collection
The Rt. Revd. William Banister, DD (1855-1928) served with the Church Missionary Society in Fujian province. Banister later became the Archdeacon of Hong Kong, and from 1908 until his retirement in 1923 he was Bishop of Kwangsi-Hunan. The Banister Family Collection includes photographs once owned by William Banister's son-in-law, Norman Lockhart Smith (1887-1968). Lockhart Smith was a colonial official in Hong Kong, and in 1936-41 served as Colonial Secretary. The photographs date from the 1890s to the 1920s. 658 images from seven albums (HPC refs: Ba01, Ba02, Ba03, Ba04, Ba05, Ba06, and Ba07), and loose prints (HPC ref: Ba-s).
Rt。Revd。 威廉·班尼斯特,DD(1855-1928)在福建省教会传教会服务。 班尼斯特后来成为香港的副主教,从1908年到1923年退休,他是广西湖南的主教。 Banister Family Collection包括威廉·班尼斯特的女婿诺曼·洛克哈特·史密斯(Norman Lockhart Smith,1887-1968)所拥有的照片。 洛克哈特史密斯是香港的殖民地官员,并于1936年至1941年担任殖民地秘书。 这些照片的历史可以追溯到19世纪90年代到20世纪20年代。 来自七张专辑(HPC refs:Ba01,Ba02,Ba03,Ba04,Ba05,Ba06和Ba07)的658张图像和松散的照片(HPC ref:Ba-s)。