Hedgeland, Reginald Collection
Reginald Follett Codrington Hedgeland was born in Exeter, Devon on 18 December 1874. He was educated at St Paul's School London and at Pembroke College, Oxford. After graduating in 1897 he joined the Imperial Maritime Customs Service in May 1898 and was posted to Qiongzhou (Hainan). He then went on to serve at Nanjing, Tianjin, Lappa (Macao), Kowloon, Shantou and Nanning, of which latter port he was in charge for six years. Hedgeland became Deputy Commissioner in 1917 and in April 1921 he was appointed Commissioner. On returning from leave in 1923 Hedgeland was given charge of Aigun on the Amur river in Manchuria. He was subsequently in charge of Shantou and Canton, and retired in April 1930 while Commissioner at Hankou. His papers and photographs are deposited in Archives & Special Collections, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. We are grateful to SOAS for permission to digitise the photograph albums and make the images available here. 569 images in three albums (HPC refs: He01, He02, and He03) and loose prints (HPC ref: He-s). Please note revised SOAS archive catalogue reference numbers: HPC ref He01 is SOAS archive catalogue reference: PP MS 82/2/1; HPC reference He02 is SOAS PP MS 82/2/3; HPC reference He03 is SOAS PP MS 82/2/2; HPC reference He-s relates to SOAS archive catalogue references PP MS 82/2/4 and PP MS 82/2/5.
Reginald Follett Codrington Hedgeland于1874年12月18日出生于德文郡埃克塞特。他曾在伦敦圣保罗学校和牛津彭布罗克学院接受教育。 1897年毕业后,他于1898年5月加入帝国海关,并被派往琼州(海南)。然后他继续在南京,天津,拉帕(澳门),九龙,汕头和南宁服务,后来他负责管理六年。 Hedgeland于1917年成为副专员,并于1921年4月被任命为专员。 1923年从休假回来后,Hedgeland在满洲的阿穆尔河上被指控为Aigun。他随后负责汕头和广州,并于1930年4月在汉口任职时退休。他的论文和照片存放在伦敦大学东方和非洲研究学院档案与特藏中。我们非常感谢SOAS允许将相册数字化并在此处提供图像。三张专辑(HPC refs:He01,He02和He03)和松散版画(HPC ref:He-s)中的569张图像。请注意修订的SOAS存档目录参考号:HPC ref He01是SOAS存档目录参考:PP MS 82/2/1; HPC参考He02是SOAS PP MS 82/2/3; HPC参考He03是SOAS PP MS 82/2/2; HPC参考He-s涉及SOAS存档目录参考PP MS 82/2/4和PP MS 82/2/5

Reginald Follett Codrington Hedgeland于1874年12月18日出生于德文郡埃克塞特。他曾在伦敦圣保罗学校和牛津彭布罗克学院接受教育。 1897年毕业后,他于1898年5月加入帝国海关,并被派往琼州(海南)。然后他继续在南京,天津,拉帕(澳门),九龙,汕头和南宁服务,后来他负责管理六年。 Hedgeland于1917年成为副专员,并于1921年4月被任命为专员。 1923年从休假回来后,Hedgeland在满洲的阿穆尔河上被指控为Aigun。他随后负责汕头和广州,并于1930年4月在汉口任职时退休。他的论文和照片存放在伦敦大学东方和非洲研究学院档案与特藏中。我们非常感谢SOAS允许将相册数字化并在此处提供图像。三张专辑(HPC refs:He01,He02和He03)和松散版画(HPC ref:He-s)中的569张图像。请注意修订的SOAS存档目录参考号:HPC ref He01是SOAS存档目录参考:PP MS 82/2/1; HPC参考He02是SOAS PP MS 82/2/3; HPC参考He03是SOAS PP MS 82/2/2; HPC参考He-s涉及SOAS存档目录参考PP MS 82/2/4和PP MS 82/2/5